Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sept. 16 - The General's 100th

I guess today is GM's 100th birthday or anniversary or whatever celebratory name you use for a company. To celebrate this occasion they unveiled what is supposed to be the final production model of the Chevy Volt. This isn't a news site nor is this an editorial so that's all I'll say about it.

I saw Ms. OCT-NOV this morning AND the black Jaguar though I didn't see him until Baltimore county.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sept. 11

I've gone dark for a few days, I know and I apologize. Anyway, all week has been a driving nightmare, no morning under two hours and so far two days longer than 2 hrs. 20 minutes. Accidents mostly. I have been seeing a car I haven't seen in a while though, a black Jaguar XF with Delaware plates. It's recognizable for a couple of obvious reasons but mostly that I see it between North East, MD and Baltimore and I've seen it in the morning AND evening. That being said, I haven't seen it for a couple of months until this week.

I've also noticed an incredibly absurd increase in the number of satellite radio users using the stations 88.1, 88.5, and 90.9 for either punk rock, fundamentalist Christian rhetoric, or Howard Stern. If I'm listening to the radio I DO NOT want to be interrupted by listening to somebody drone on and on about criminalizing pre-marital sex. I can think of precisely five stations using those frequencies in the areas I work and live so it's not as if they're unused.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Sept. 5 - New Chart

Another one of my suspicions finally starting to take shape in the form of visual data. I've long suspected that temperature affects my mileage. I had a hard time proving this without the data sounding anecdotal. Now I have a chart...

Sept. 5

Right after complaining yesterday about my morning drive, I clock in 1 hr 53 minutes this morning. I know, still sounds like a lot to most of you BUT since I left at 5:50 this morning I got to work at 7:43 so it also felt really early. Besides, my personal best is an hour and 43 minutes on a Sunday with no traffic so 10 minutes longer than that is nothing to sneeze at.

We'll see what tonight holds in store for me!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sept. 4 - School's Back

The new school year has made a noticeable difference in my drive time in the morning. I always knew this was the case but never kept the data to quantify it. My drive times in the AM starting the week of June 2nd have all averaged, well, here are the numbers (in hours)...

Week 23 through 33: 1.963333333, 2.233333333, 1.973333333, 1.85, 2.004166667, 1.970833333, 2.026666667, 0 (I was on vacation), 1.87, 1.946666667, 1.875

So, yeah, still around two hours but all but three weeks averaged less than two. Now, since school started...

Week 34 through 36: 2.146666667, 2.096666667, 2.138888889

All over two hours. Seems like a fluke until you look at the weeks before summer vacation, they were like this too. All between 2.09 and 2.35 hours from the week of March 24th until summer vacation started. What was during the week of March 24th? Spring break. Before then? Over 2 hours.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Totals so far, miles driven and dollars spent

This first graph is the total cost in dollars I spend each month on gas. Last month was brutal, a full $100 more than in January.

This next one shows how many miles I've driven each month. More than I'd like but what can I say, I DRIVE ALOT!

Sept. 2

Nothing new to report since my next milestones will be in quite some time. I'm projecting, at the current rate of driving, that I'll hit the big 200k between October & December of 2010. I know! I can't wait either. That's a milestone I've NEVER hit in a car I've owned.

I didn't see the usual suspects this morning and while my drive felt like it went by quickly, it still took two hours and nine minutes to get to work today. Weak.